


HypnoBirthing will teach you and your birth companion the ability to birth in a more comfortable, rewarding, satisfying and stress free manner.

Pre conceived fears and concerns surrounding childbirth will be eliminated and replaced with optimism, excitement and positivity surrounding your labour and birth. You will receive unbiased education on the anatomy and physiology of labour and birth as well as natural and medical inductions so that you can make informed decisions. You will learn all about how your body and baby work together during childbirth and how you can facilitate this natural process to ensure labour is more comfortable, shorter and enjoyable.

Your birth companion will feel confident in their role as your support person and the methods they can incorporate to make you more relaxed and calm. You will be inspired and empowered as you watch Hypnobirthing films that show labouring mothers, calm, relaxed and in good humour during their labour and how truly remarkable and empowering this process can be.

5 week HypnoBirthing course



ONLY $660- (maximum of 6 couples per class, bookings are essential) all resources are included HypnoBirthing folder, book,MP3 and birthing affirmation cards are included.

We have Interest FREE payment plans available

Private Classes, 1 to 1 tuition in the comfort of your own home - ONLY $950 per couple(please get in touch for availability)all resources are included as above.

WEEK 1: Building a positive expectancy

  • Education surrounding HypnoBirthing and its philosophy

  • Anatomy and physiology- how our uterus is perfectly designed for birthing, the hormones involved in birthing and the FEAR, TENSION PAIN SYNDROME.

  • How to assist, rather than resist, this natural process. The vocabulary for calm and gentle births

  • Visualizing gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

WEEK 2: Falling in love With Your Unborn Baby, Preparing Mind and Body Prenatal Psychology

  • How you influence the physical and psychological development of your unborn baby with prenatal bonding techniques.

  • Preparing our bodies for birthing- nutrition and toning.

  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

The five techniques of hypnobirthing:

  1. Rapid and instant relaxation techniques

  2. Breathing techniques for labour and birthing

  3. Self Hypnosis

  4. Visualisation

  5. Affirmations

WEEK 3: Getting ready to welcome your baby

  • Preparing Birth Preferences Labour and birth physiology Light Touch Massage Special circumstances

  • Education surrounding Natural induction of labour and medical induction of labour

  • Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts

  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

WEEK 4: Getting ready to Welcome your Baby

  • Onset of Labour- Thinning and Opening Phase, Hallmarks of Labour

  • Birth explained simply, what to expect

  • Birth companions role

  • What to do if labour slows/stops

  • As Labour Advances what to expect

  • Birth rehearsal imagery

  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

WEEK 5: Birthing- Breathing love, Bringing life

  • Overview of birthing phase

  • Positions for decent and birthing

  • Overview of breathing techniques for birthing Overview of Breastfeeding and attachment Skin to skin bonding

  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.


The Stats...

83% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed vaginaly compared to the National average of 68%

77% of HypnoBirthing mothers who birthed vagianly did so without epidural.

6% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in freestanding birth centres

(national average is less than 1 percent. Data provided by the HypnBirthing Institute, between 2005-2010)


Book your class

4 hour preparing for birth REFRESHER class PAST HYPNObIRTHING STUDENT

Private Classes, 1 to 1 tuition in the comfort of your own home - $400 per couple (please get in touch for availability)

Education about Birth.

  • How to avoid a traumatic birth 

  • How to experience less pain, fear and worry before and during birth

  • How during birth you can remain calm and comfortable and empowered to make decisions

  • How to be sure you have the best care provider and a your very own birth preferences to give to your provider 

  • How to reduce the likelihood of needing any interventions and the reason why

  • Specialised birth breathing techniques 

  • How to prepare for birth 

  • Releasing any fears around birth

  • What labour looks like and misconceptions 

  • Birth Companion's role and the importance of being an advocate and what they can do to help. 

  • Informed decisions 

  • Visualisation

  • Postpartum information and more......